- Hello

Prior to establishing GEOPRIZMA, I led an internationally recognized team, as the GIS Lead at Jefferson County Open Space (2013 to 2021). Before the 8-year stint in the public sector, I supported the environmental consulting firm TetraTech (2008-2013) as a GIS analyst and interned at PLATTS a large map-production and data company (2007-2008). I've experienced abundance developing a diverse student body as an adjunct part-time instructor for GIS at Red Rocks Community College. I studied geography and business at the University of Colorado Boulder (2005 - 2008), for which I also participated in cross country and track and field as a varsity athlete. 

I launched GEOPRIZMA on January 1st, 2020, during a time when I was experiencing internal challenges as a moderately successful local government land steward. I wanted to serve in other realms and explore more of the creative potential within.

During my 13+ year career, I've been honored with receiving multiple international and local awards for cartographic products, including an ESRI UC (1st place best atlas or map series and the 2nd place for most unique), and at GIS in the Rockies (1st place most professional), a complete list of honors and credentials can be viewed in the resume and portfolio links below.

I'm intrinsically motivated to serve others and my community. I volunteer at local natural resource restoration projects and recreational infrastructure development initiatives and donate my expertise and time to non-profits.

- Robert Thayer